ultima final

Who we are

We are Cimet Optel, one of the largest manufacturers and marketers of power
and communication conductor in the region, members of a major industrial group in Latam.
We are Evolution, combining both the production of power cables and telecommunications fiber optic cables.
We are Reliability, making products that meet our clients’ high demands.
We are Permanence, with more than 70 years in the country.
We are Sustainability, contributing to the future.

We are bonded by energy.

Purpose and Values

Based on our values, we want to be the company preferred by the clients of
“Transport and Distribution of Electrical Energy and Telecommunications”
in Argentina and the region, guaranteeing predictability and reliability of our products and services,
in pursuit of stable and long-lasting relationships.

We act in an ethical, honest and transparent way, generating
trust in our working environment and building long-lasting relationships.
We are coherent with what we think, say and do.
We are passionate about excellence; we have a high commitment to innovation, creativity, quality and learning to produce
ambitious results on an continuous basis.
We permanently challenge ourselves to exceed our own limits.
We value teamwork as the strategic factor that, based on openness dialog, respect, trust, cooperation, solidarity and commitment will allow us to be successful and achieve our business objectives.
We are long-term oriented; we harmoniously integrate business development and social and environmental management. We have a strong commitment to the care of our collaborators, clients, suppliers, shareholders, environment, community and future generations so that they can meet their own needs.


We are a company dedicated to the manufacturing and marketing of power
and communication conductors that takes responsibility for the quality
of our products and services, the environment, safety and health of people, committing ourselves to:

  • Achieving the satisfaction of our clients and other stakeholders.
  • Establishing a continuous improvement system of quality management, with impact on the environment, health and safety at work.
  • Complying with legal and other applicable requirements.
  • Protecting the environment, through pollution prevention.
  • Preventing damage and deterioration to health.
  • Having engaged, competent and up-to-date collaborators in terms of knowledge and standards.
  • Keeping an integrated management system according to International Standards ISO 9001:15, ISO 14001:15 e ISO 45001:18.


Sustainability is related to the way we deal with our business, by responsibly solving present needs without compromising the future, accepting that natural resources are finite and therefore, their use requires care.

Incorporating sustainability into everyday work is and will be part of our business success, since the care of each one of its pillars - economic growth, collaborators, environment, community - facilitates the success and continuity of our productive activity.

We integrate sustainability as part of our culture, being recognized as a Group that acts in accordance with the values it promotes.

This culture must permeate the entire value chain of our activities.

Ethics and Conduct

The Code of Ethics establishes the principles that CIMET Optel employees have to respect within the framework of their professional activities.

The Code of Ethics is designed to help us solve issues and doubts that we may encounter at work; it provides practical help on these and many other matters.

Although it is impossible to deal thoroughly with all the situations that may arise, this normative guide leads us to reflect when we face an issue of ethics or professional conduct.
eti y conducta INGLES

Our Image

At Cimet Optel we have developed a new identity that positions us globally in our business, celebrating our history and background.

We have defined our brand, in line with the new demands imposed on us by the current context: increased competitiveness, more dizzying changes and faster handling of information when communicating with employees, clients and suppliers.

A brand is a reality in which several agents intervene and also the result of multiple factors and experiences.

The brand acts as a true compass concept and contributes to expressing greater consistency, continuity, innovation, responsibility and sustainability. Therefore, at Cimet Optel, we connect with the optimism of looking to the future, and this change of identity renews us both in image and in the vision of the businesses we project.

We invite you to be part of this change and of the Cimet Optel project.


Our relationship with the Community

After more than 70 years in the country, we know that we are part of a large community.
Our goal is to grow in a conscious and responsible manner, by generating value from the bonds and relationships we establish with our neighbors and the community.
We expect that all the people who work at Cimet wil become ambassadors recognized by these values and the way of conceiving business.

  • Cimet - La Carcova property project
  • Support to Don Bosco trade center, La Carcova
  • Support to technical school Nº 2 in Quilmes
  • Lighting training at Town Hall in Quilmes


We invite you to read some news about Cimet Optel.

Cimet Optel Brands

These are some of our product brands that differentiate us in the market

Some of our Clients